Fishing Classic 2025

4th, 5th, 6th July Bundaberg, QLD
Marine Rescue Bundaberg
Primary Fund Raising Event

All registrations received and paid by the 31st May 2025 go in the draw for the early bird prize

Details Coming
Lucky Draw
Details Coming
Lucky Draw
Details Coming
Lucky Draw

About VMR Bundaberg Family Fishing Classic

Marine Rescue Bundaberg is a volunteer organisation, committed to saving lives at sea. We rely on fund-raising, membership and donations to keep our vessels safe and operational and our active members trained. The Family Fishing Classic is a massive fund-raising event organised and run by volunteers run over three big days and you do not have to catch a fish to be in the draw to win any of three major prize draws. This event is held in Bundaberg at Burnett Heads on the Burnett River and surrounds.

Buying tickets in the Family Fishing Classic entitles you to enter the competition and you are also entered in the draw for all the Great Lucky Draw Prizes.

Looking for more information send an email

Join In the Fun

  • Adult and Junior Categories
  • $500 Gift Voucher - Early Bird
  • $12,590 Boat Package - Friday Night
  • $12,590 Boat Package - Saturday Night
  • $22,000 Boat Package - Sunday Afternoon
  • Mystery Weight in all Fish classes
  • Two Tagged Live Fish Categories (one Flathead and one Bream)
  • 1,000's more prizes to win
  • A great family event - Support our Sponsors and a vital volunteer organisation
  • Fisher Incentive Draw (Junior and Senior)

Event Starts In:

Fishing Categories

First and Second Prize Categories

Prizes for 1st & 2nd categories will be awarded at the Sunday presentations for the overall heaviest fish in categories. Both juniors and seniors may fish in Open Offshore category.
(Junior must Pay Senior Entry Fee to participate)
Prizes for the mystery weight categories will be awarded on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday presentations.
YOUR COMPANY HERE TAGGED LIVE FISH Worth TBD each (One Bream and One Flathead)
Fishing Competition Categories
Junior Senior Open
Live Dead Live Dead Dead
Bream Bream Bream Bream Mackerel/Tuna
Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Cobia
Flathead Flathead Flathead Flathead Tusk
Trumpeter Trumpeter Trumpeter Trumpeter Snapper
Red Emperor
Coral Trout

Rules and Regulations

Through the Family Fishing Classic and registration process all entrants are deemed to have read and understand the terms and conditions of the Family Fishing Classic and are lawfully abiding by these terms and conditions including all government rules and regulations regarding vessel registration, licencing and fish size and species.

The Family Fishing Classic is an amateur fishing event and all entrants, shall comply with the following:

  • Volunteer Marine Rescue Bundaberg (VMRB) Incorporated accepts no liability for any loss, damage of injury, to any property or person during or resulting from the event, even if such loss or injury is due, or alleged to be due to any act, neglect action or default on the part of VMRB Inc Incorporated or of any associated individual or supporting organisation.
  • All entrants understand and agree that by participating in the event they do so entirely at their own risk and agree to abide by all rules and regulations.
  • Whilst the Family Fishing Classic is broadly conducted with the intent of encouraging families to participate, all prizes associated with the fishing competition are distributed to individual members in accordance with the rules. As a result, teams are not recognised in this event.
  • Members of the public including VMRB, stall holders, volunteers, sponsors, past and present committee members and families are eligible to enter the Family Fishing Classic.

Whilst the rules and conditions of the competition may change from year to year. It is the responsibility of all entrants to review the rules and conditions at the time of entering. The VMRB Management Committee reserves the right to disqualify any entrant in the event of breaches of these rules. The management committee decision is final and VMRB retains the right to withhold any cash, prizes or trophies pending subsequent reviews or findings.

The Officials have the right to exclude anyone from the fishing classic, without giving a reason.

Any action, incident or situation not covered by the rules shall be determined by the management committee if or when those conditions arise. The committee’s decision is final, and no discussion will be entered. The interpretation and implementation of these rules and regulations shall remain the province of VMRB and its designated officials.

In the event of any interpretation of the rules or dispute or any differing interpretation of the conditions for entry to the VMRB Family Fishing Classic, an entry holder may bring to the notice of VMRB management committee their dispute. The Management Committee will endeavour time permitting to resolve the dispute. If this cannot be achieved at the time any resolution will be determined after the event to allow a fair hearing. The disputing entrant will be advised of the outcome of the decision regarding the dispute. The VMRB Management Committee’s decision is final.

Whilst it is envisaged that all entrants will fish local waters including the Burnett River and nearby off- shore waters, event entrants may fish any Queensland waters.

The Family Fishing Classic is to be fished over the three days of the competition and between the hours of 0600 on Friday and 1100 on Sunday of the Family Fishing Classic only.

  • Entrants may fish from a vessel, personal watercraft, man-powered craft (kayak, canoe, stand-up paddle board etc) or land based.
  • Fish presented at the weigh-in station must be taken on a rod and reel or hand line using a lure, bait or fly only and must be of legal size according to current regulations.
  • All entrants operating vessels must comply with all appropriate rules and regulations.
  • Any indication of an entrant attempting to falsify a fish at the point of weigh-in will be disqualified. This includes:
    • fish caught outside the event dates and times
    • an individual weighing in fish without proof of entry (Electronic Ticket or receipt),
    • netted, speared, frozen fish or otherwise evidence of tampered with fish
    • any action in defiance of the rules of the Family Fishing Classic will be determined by the VMRB Management Committee and persons involved will be disqualified from the event and will be ineligible to win associated draws and prizes.

Two live fish (1 x Bream and 1 x Flathead) will be caught, tagged, and released in the Burnett River prior to the event. Each fish will have a prize value of TBD if caught during the Family Fishing Classic. Each fish must be presented under the LIVE FISH CATEGORY and the tag checked by the weigh in officials to claim the TBD prize.

NOTE: Fish submitted for the Family Fishing Classic are based on weight. All fish submitted must meet QLD legal size. All live fish weighed-in are forfeited and will be released.

Live Category– Fish from the live category can be submitted by anyone holding a valid entry ticket to the weigh-in tent during the official live weigh-in times where the fish will be measured and entered as part of the competition.

Dead Category - Fish from the dead category can be submitted by anyone holding a valid entry ticket to the weigh-in tent during the official weigh-in times where the fish will be measured and entered as part of the competition.

NOTE: Officials operating the weigh-in station must be advised if the fish is for the Senior or Junior competition.

Open Category (Dead) - Fish from this category are deemed to be caught off-shore and are dead at the weigh-in station. Mackerel/Tuna, Cobia, Parrot, Snapper, Red Emperor, Sweetlip and Coral Trout.

Senior and Junior - Live and Dead: Bream, Whiting, Flathead, Trumpeter

  • All dead fish presented must be in a whole and fresh condition at the weigh-in station. Any fish deemed, in the opinion of the judges, not meeting the requirements or that have been frozen will not be eligible and will therefore not be weighed. The Weigh Masters decision will be final, and no discussion will be entered. See disputes resolution section for additional details.
  • Only fish weighed on the official scales will be eligible.
  • Fish presented to the scales must be taken on rod and reel or handline (NO NETS, SPEARED or frozen fish eligible).
  • All fish eligible for weigh-in (live or dead) must be presented to the weigh-in station during the official weigh-in times of 07:00-17:00 on Friday, 07:00-17:00 on Saturday and 07:00-11:00 on the Sunday. Fish presented outside these times will not be accepted.
  • Only two (2) fish per designated species per angler per weigh-in session will be accepted and only the heaviest weight will be eligible for that category.
  • The Mystery weight category is for live fish only and the fish deemed to be closest to the mystery weight will win a prize.
  • Senior and Junior Fisher Lucky Draw for fish weighed in during the competition. One prize for Juniors and one prize for Seniors
  • If, in the opinion of the Weighmaster, a fish is not fit for release, then the fish will only be eligible to be entered into the dead fish category.
  • All live fish submitted are surrendered for release -no live fish entered will be returned to any entrant.
  • To claim a prize in the tagged fish category all fish must be presented live with the tag intact to the weighmaster during weigh-in hours.
  • Fish are not to be cleaned in or near the Burnett Heads Boat Harbour or the Family Fishing Classic venue.
  • Competing anglers shall observe QLD Fisheries regulations governing fish sizes and bag limits
  • All vessel owners must comply with Queensland’s boating regulations
  • Any competing angler found not meeting any or all rules and regulations will be deemed ineligible for any prize
  • There will be a prize for the heaviest fish of each category and in the event of a tie the first fish weighed will be deemed the winner
  • All prizes awarded at the Classic are provided in good faith and are subject to manufacturers or suppliers conditions and VMRB and or officials cannot be held liable
  • No junior can win an adult prize and no adult can win a junior prize with the exception that juniors and seniors may compete for the same prize in the Open Dead Reef category.
  • Junior entrants must be 15years and under on the last day of the Family Fishing Classic
  • No one angler shall be eligible to win or be awarded first prize and second prize in any one category
  • Entrants MUST be present to win any lucky draw and provide evidence of their entry or establish their identity. A redraw will be held if the initial draw entrant fails to claim the prize within one (1) minute. NOTE: you must be present to win the lucky draws.

Marine Rescue Bundaberg members who have paid the appropriate entry fee are eligible for all prizes.

Organisers and Sponsors accept no liability for any injury or damage to any equipment, vessels, and persons during excursion whether such an injury is due to any act, neglect, or default of any official or agent.

All competitors understand that in participating they do so entirely at their own risk. VMRB accepts no liability for material damage or personal injury, or death or other claims sustained in conjunction to or prior to, or during or after the event howsoever caused.

All prize winners are required to present their registration receipt or proof of identity to collect prizes. Where there is any doubt as to the validity of the prize winner identification the Classic Manager will be the final determiner.

Major Prize Draws

We have a massive prize pool this year thanks to our fabulous sponsors. Keep coming back to this page as the prize pool unfolds to see what you could win. Remember buying tickets for the Family Fishing Classic enters you into the fishing competition and you're also entered in the draw for these massive Lucky Draw Prizes. Keep an ear out for your name during all Prize Draws!!!!


Stacer 359 Territory Striker Stacer 359 Territory Striker
Major Seniors Prize
Raffle Draw Friday Afternoon
Stacer 359 Territory Striker - Prize value $12,590.00 - Sponsored by Adrians Marine Centre, Stacer Boats, Mercury Outboards and VMR Bundaberg
Buying a ticket enters you in the draw. You don't have to catch a fish to catch this prize
Stacer 359 Territory Striker Stacer 359 Territory Striker
Major Seniors Prize
Raffle Draw Saturday Afternoon
Stacer 359 Territory Striker - Prize value $12,590.00 - Sponsored by Adrians Marine Centre, Stacer Boats, Mercury Outboards and VMR Bundaberg
Buying a ticket enters you in the draw. You don't have to catch a fish to catch this prize
Stacer 429 Rampage Stacer 429 Rampage
Major Seniors Prize
Raffle Draw Sunday Afternoon
Stacer 429 Rampage - Prize value $22,000.00 - Sponsored by Adrians Marine Centre, Stacer Boats, Mercury Outboards and VMR Bundaberg
Buying a ticket enters you in the draw. You don't have to catch a fish to catch this prize
Major Junior Prize
Valued at TBD
Junior Ticket holders are automatically entered into this draw.



Fishing Commences

Burnett Heads

07:00 - 16:00


Registration Office Opens
Registrations on the day commence at 07:00 Come to the Marine Rescue Bundaberg base to register. We'll be there to answer all your questions.

10:00 - 17:00

Weigh Stations Open

Classic Site
Weighing stations open ready to weigh in your catch

12:00 - 21:00

Licensed Bar Open

Within the main compound
Beer and wine available.

07:00 - 20:00

Food and Soft Drinks

Within the main compound
Many food vendors and drinks on sale. We'll update this with details as the event start gets closer.

18:00 - 20:00

Daily Mystery Weight Categories Awarded (live fish only)

On Stage
Lucky Draws and Minor Raffle Draws, Early Bird Registration Prize Draw



On Stage
TBD You don't need to catch a fish to snag this massive prize


Wind down and close for the day

Finish up and get ready to fish first the next day at 06:00

07:00 - 16:00

Registration Office Open - Raffle Ticket Sales

Main Compound

07:00 - 20:00

Food and Soft drinks available all day

Main Compound
Many food vendors and drinks on sale. We'll update this with details as the event start gets closer.

07:00 - 17:00

Weigh-in stations open

Main Compound
Weighing stations open at Classic Site.

10:00 - 21:00

Licensed Bar Open

Within the main compound
Beer and wine available.

14:00 - 17:00

Live Band

Within the main compound
Find a place to relax and enjoy the live music by D'fine.

18:00 - 20:30

Daily Mystery Weight Categories Awarded (live fish only)

On Stage
Minor Lucky Draws and Minor Raffle Draws



On Stage
TBD Boat Package You don't need to catch a fish to snag this massive prize


Wind down and close for the day

Finish up and get ready to fish first the next day at 06:00

07:00 - 15:00

Food and Soft Drinks Available all Day

Main Compound
Many food vendors and drinks on sale. We'll update this with details as the event start gets closer.

07:00 - 11:00

Weigh-in Stations Open

Classic Site.
Weighing stations open and ready to weigh your catch.

10:00 - 15:00

Licensed Bar Open

Within the main compound
Beer and wine available.

12:00 - 14:00

Fisher Incentive Draws, Minor Lucky Prize Draws, YOUR COMPANY HERE Tagged Fish

On Stage
Fishing category prizes awarded and Major Raffle Drawn

14:00 - 14:30


On Stage
Kayak Package You don't need to catch a fish to snag this massive prize

14:00 - 14:30


On Stage
TBD Boat Package You don't need to catch a fish to snag this massive prize
Schedule coming soon!


Early Bird prize entry closes midnight 31st May 2025.

Buying a ticket is easy, enter your details below and you can pay right now online using our secure payment system and you'll receive an electronic ticket in your email. Or fill a form in person and pay at our fabulous major sponsor, Tackleworld Bundaberg. Senior Ticket is $60.00 and Junior Ticket is $15.00. Buying tickets entitles you to participate in the Fishing Competition and you're entered into Major and Minor Lucky Draw Prizes. Registrations for Seniors and Juniors, who wish to enter a fish in the Fishing Competition, to be eligible in the Fish Prize categories, close at 16:00 Saturday 5th July 2025. You may still pay for a Registration to enter the Minor Lucky Draws and Major Lucky Draw until 11am Sunday 6th July 2025.

Adult Entry

Junior Entry

What's included?

  • Entry into the three Major Prize Draws
  • Tagged fish - Check back here to find out more about this soon
  • Many categories
  • Satisfaction contributing to a self funded Volunteer organisation

Sponsors & Partners

Want to become a sponsor? Get in touch
The Marine Rescue Bundaberg Fishing Classic would not be possible without the help of sponsors. All of our major sponsors are listed here, VMR Bundaberg greatly appreciates the efforts and contributions of all our supporters to help keep us on the water and maintaining the radios.
Adrians Marine Centre
Want to become a sponsor or contribute, please click on the Become A Sponsor button and fill in your details.
Become a Sponsor

About Bundaberg and Burnett Heads

How To Get Here

The Fishing Classic is situated in Burnett Heads at the mouth of the Burnett River, ~5 hours drive from Brisbane (roadworks dependant).

By Plane

Bundaberg Airport, Burnett Heads is 21kms from the airport.

By Car

21km from Bundaberg, or 5 1/2 hours from Brisbane driving north.

By Bus

Greyhound to Bundaberg.

Bundaberg to Burnett Heads are infrequent.

By Train

Bundaberg train station, 4 1/2 hours from Brisbane Roma St Station.

Facilities & Accommodations

Burnett Heads boasts a Safe Launch Boat Ramp, IGA supermarket, Catherine's Lighthouse Bakery (yum), Lighthouse Hotel, Oaks Store (Fuel etc).

Budget to Luxury Accommodation can be found in Bundaberg and Bargara.