Marine Rescue Bundaberg is a volunteer organisation, committed to saving lives at sea. We rely on fund-raising, membership and donations to keep our vessels safe and operational and our active members trained. The Family Fishing Classic is a massive fund-raising event organised and run by volunteers run over three big days and you do not have to catch a fish to be in the draw to win any of three major prize draws. This event is held in Bundaberg at Burnett Heads on the Burnett River and surrounds.
Buying tickets in the Family Fishing Classic entitles you to enter the competition and you are also entered in the draw for all the Great Lucky Draw Prizes.
Looking for more information send an email
Junior | Senior | Open | |||
Live | Dead | Live | Dead | Dead | |
Bream | Bream | Bream | Bream | Mackerel/Tuna | |
Whiting | Whiting | Whiting | Whiting | Cobia | |
Flathead | Flathead | Flathead | Flathead | Tusk | |
Trumpeter | Trumpeter | Trumpeter | Trumpeter | Snapper | |
Red Emperor | |||||
Sweetlip | |||||
Coral Trout |
The Family Fishing Classic is an amateur fishing event and all entrants, shall comply with the following:
Whilst the rules and conditions of the competition may change from year to year. It is the responsibility of all entrants to review the rules and conditions at the time of entering. The VMRB Management Committee reserves the right to disqualify any entrant in the event of breaches of these rules. The management committee decision is final and VMRB retains the right to withhold any cash, prizes or trophies pending subsequent reviews or findings.
The Officials have the right to exclude anyone from the fishing classic, without giving a reason.
Any action, incident or situation not covered by the rules shall be determined by the management committee if or when those conditions arise. The committee’s decision is final, and no discussion will be entered. The interpretation and implementation of these rules and regulations shall remain the province of VMRB and its designated officials.
In the event of any interpretation of the rules or dispute or any differing interpretation of the conditions for entry to the VMRB Family Fishing Classic, an entry holder may bring to the notice of VMRB management committee their dispute. The Management Committee will endeavour time permitting to resolve the dispute. If this cannot be achieved at the time any resolution will be determined after the event to allow a fair hearing. The disputing entrant will be advised of the outcome of the decision regarding the dispute. The VMRB Management Committee’s decision is final.
Whilst it is envisaged that all entrants will fish local waters including the Burnett River and nearby off- shore waters, event entrants may fish any Queensland waters.
The Family Fishing Classic is to be fished over the three days of the competition and between the hours of 0600 on Friday and 1100 on Sunday of the Family Fishing Classic only.
Two live fish (1 x Bream and 1 x Flathead) will be caught, tagged, and released in the Burnett River prior to the event. Each fish will have a prize value of TBD if caught during the Family Fishing Classic. Each fish must be presented under the LIVE FISH CATEGORY and the tag checked by the weigh in officials to claim the TBD prize.
NOTE: Fish submitted for the Family Fishing Classic are based on weight. All fish submitted must meet QLD legal size. All live fish weighed-in are forfeited and will be released.
Live Category– Fish from the live category can be submitted by anyone holding a valid entry ticket to the weigh-in tent during the official live weigh-in times where the fish will be measured and entered as part of the competition.
Dead Category - Fish from the dead category can be submitted by anyone holding a valid entry ticket to the weigh-in tent during the official weigh-in times where the fish will be measured and entered as part of the competition.
NOTE: Officials operating the weigh-in station must be advised if the fish is for the Senior or Junior competition.
Open Category (Dead) - Fish from this category are deemed to be caught off-shore and are dead at the weigh-in station. Mackerel/Tuna, Cobia, Parrot, Snapper, Red Emperor, Sweetlip and Coral Trout.
Senior and Junior - Live and Dead: Bream, Whiting, Flathead, Trumpeter
Marine Rescue Bundaberg members who have paid the appropriate entry fee are eligible for all prizes.
Organisers and Sponsors accept no liability for any injury or damage to any equipment, vessels, and persons during excursion whether such an injury is due to any act, neglect, or default of any official or agent.
All competitors understand that in participating they do so entirely at their own risk. VMRB accepts no liability for material damage or personal injury, or death or other claims sustained in conjunction to or prior to, or during or after the event howsoever caused.
All prize winners are required to present their registration receipt or proof of identity to collect prizes. Where there is any doubt as to the validity of the prize winner identification the Classic Manager will be the final determiner.
We have a massive prize pool this year thanks to our fabulous sponsors. Keep coming back to this page as the prize pool unfolds to see what you could win. Remember buying tickets for the Family Fishing Classic enters you into the fishing competition and you're also entered in the draw for these massive Lucky Draw Prizes. Keep an ear out for your name during all Prize Draws!!!!
The Fishing Classic is situated in Burnett Heads at the mouth of the Burnett River, ~5 hours drive from Brisbane (roadworks dependant).
Bundaberg Airport, Burnett Heads is 21kms from the airport.
21km from Bundaberg, or 5 1/2 hours from Brisbane driving north.
Greyhound to Bundaberg.
Bundaberg to Burnett Heads are infrequent.
Bundaberg train station, 4 1/2 hours from Brisbane Roma St Station.
Burnett Heads boasts a Safe Launch Boat Ramp, IGA supermarket, Catherine's Lighthouse Bakery (yum), Lighthouse Hotel, Oaks Store (Fuel etc).
Budget to Luxury Accommodation can be found in Bundaberg and Bargara.